‘Ready2Reuse’: second-hand is first-class

The use of used auto parts in repairs is not yet widespread in Belgium, and Febelauto wants to do something about that. With the Ready2Reuse’ project supported by VLAIO, Febelauto is highlighting the benefits of used parts. Because second-hand is better for the environment, just as good quality and often cheaper.

A second chance for secondhand

Used auto parts are often as high quality as new, and always “greener. This is because no new materials are produced for a used spare part, which consumes less energy and emits less CO2. That, in turn, sometimes brings a slight price advantage to the consumer.

The result: both the part and your car live longer, and you contribute to a greener fleet. Good for your four-wheeler, the Belgian circular economy, and our planet in general.

Used parts: 3 advantages

  1. Quality guaranteed
  2. Good for the environment: resource efficiency, CO2 gain and life extension
  3. May mean slight price advantage

Do you give used a chance? Always ask your auto repairer about it.

More second-hand in the industry

For ‘Ready2Reuse’, we work together with Cardoen and two recognized centers for the depollution and processing of end-of-life vehicles: Autohandel Didier (Waregem) and De Jonghe Recuparts (Deurne). We can also count on the support of VLAIO (Vlaams Agentschap Innoveren & Ondernemen).

With this partnership, we will explore the terms of cooperation for the use of used spare parts: availability, delivery time, quality, warranty, etc. Febelauto will support authorized centers to set up such collaborations so that garages can use the used parts for reliable and “green” repairs.

In this way, we aim to increase trust in used among all industry players – from repair shops and fleet operators to insurance firms.

Give second-hand the first choice for your repairs.

Measuring is knowing: use the CO2 calculator

In collaboration with Eco Repair ScoreĀ®, and based on studies by VITO, we developed the CO2 calculator. It focuses mainly on bodywork and large mechanical parts. How much CO2 will you save by choosing a used part? Discover the gains for three vehicle types in our play version:

Companies can use our premium tool to calculate their carbon gains based on specific brand and model data and over a longer period of time. You can include these results in your sustainability communications to consumers and third parties.